Our Services

Help Education Trust acts as a liaison between the needy and the philanthropists. It is a Resource Center for both in the sense that both sides can get all type of information from it by approaching it through any means.

For example, as a philanthropist, instead of contributing to general fund of "HELP EDUCATION TRUST", if you are ready to take up the full responsibility for meeting all the expenses of one poor student of any field of studies till he becomes a professional in practical life, HET (Help Education Trust) would provide you full particulars of that type of student with its specific recommendations and would expect from you complete supervision until the student becomes a practicing professional in the society. Similarly, as a talented needy student, if you are looking for help or a sponsor for completion of your studies, you simply mail/phone your particulars to the HET and it would provide you necessary help or particulars of a willing sponsor. Both sides can get complete information from the office/web of "HELP EDUCATION TRUST". Similarly, both sides can get themselves registered with "Help Education Trust" for helping each other. Those who are looking for the needy, can help them, by providing their particulars through "Help Education Trust" so that they can fulfill the need of the needy. The needy students who are looking for some help can be helped by those who are in a position to help them by providing their particulars through "Help Education Trust"

Help Education Trust has been established to achieve following aims and objectives:

  • To provide assistance to the talented young boys and girls to complete their studies.
  • To work for the development and channelize the energies of the youth for the social, economic, ideological and national up-lift of the country.
  • To provide career counseling and guidance.
  • To act as an information center for the philanthropists and educational institutions and as a placement bureau for the talented students.
  • To inter-act with the national and international agencies and NGOs for the exchange of experiences and for solving the problems of the youth.
  • To promote general and religious education in the society through all means and manners.
  • To undertake all activities which would help directly or indirectly achieve/promote the aims and objects of the Trust.

No doubt Help Education Trust provides scholarships and interest free loans (to be returned when beneficiaries are in a position to return) to deserving students but it prefers to work as a resource center so that maximum information / services are provided to both the well to do and needy people of the society. However, once the people develop confidence in the NGO and have verified the credibility of the HET through independent resources, they can contribute directly to the funds of the NGO by sending donations which will be fully utilized for providing financial assistance to the needy students.