About Us

Since Help Education is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which has been established under duly registered Trust Deed, the supreme control, administration, superintendence and management of the NGO is vested in the Board of Trustees. The board shall elect for a term of 5 years one of their member as the chairman and the other as vice chairman. It shall meet quarterly and at least twice a calendar year and whenever requested by the chairman for transaction of its business. 2/3 of the total permanent members of the board shall constitute a quorum. BOTs is the sole policy making body of the trust and sanctioning authority of the annual budget with full powers to frame the rules and regulations to stream line the financial matters and efficient working of the trust.

Anyone can become member of the board as First Trustee by contributing / transferring in cash or kind in the name of the trust property worth at least 25% market value of seed capital / trust property which has been alienated so for in the name of the Help Education Trust. Every new trustee so appointed shall have some powers, authorities and discretions and shall be subject to the same obligations and shall act as if he had been appointed originally by the deed. The board may at their own discretion co-opt as members one or more persons for such period as may be determined. No trustee shall be entitled to any remuneration, monetary or otherwise for services rendered to the trust as the same shall be purely voluntary.